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SFA Therapeutics Invited to Present at Angel Venture Fair

Angel Venture Fair

Oct 13, 2020

Investors Meet Thirty of Top Startups in America

Investors Meet Thirty of Top Startups in America-Angel Venture

TUE, OCT 13 2020 9:00 AM—FRI, OCT 30 2020 4:00 PM

SFA Therapeutics has been selected to present at the The 24th annual Angel Venture Fair It is virtual this year.

There were over 150 applicants and our 85 judges narrowed down to this amazing cross section of companies.  What is unique about this program is that entrepreneurs will present live twice for 10 minutes with 5 minutes of Q&A, so if you can’t make the first presentation you can catch it a second time.

When you sign up an electronic book with detailed information on each company will be sent to you the day before we kickoff.  If you are an Angel Investor, Family Office, Corporate VC, traditional Venture Capitalists or referral sources please take the time to support these companies by either making an investment or an introduction to another investor.  Lastly, the best part, it’s s free!

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